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Print Store Coming! (Yes, Really!!)

After what has been years of people asking me to do it, I am finally launching a signed print store! I've put in an order for twelve different prints and should have them either Friday or Monday, and then I'll figure out which site is best to host a lewd print shop/doesn't discriminate against boobies and get it up and running. I've got some other cool merchandise planned too - beer koozies, stickers, and a couple of unique ideas that I don't wanna give away just yet. The good thing about self-shooting all my own content is I fully own the rights to everything so I can print and sell whatever I want without worrying about violating any contracts.

Next week I'm traveling to Tennessee, the next step in mine and my boyfriend's quest to visit every US state together. We're flying into Nashville for one night then driving out to the Smoky Mountains the next day to stay in a really cute cabin for the weekend, which means I'll be shooting lots of cute cabin & mountain lewds. Going somewhere new to shoot always makes me feel so fresh and inspired. Don't get me wrong, I love my ridiculous apartment but the bright pink walls, cat trees and western decor make for a bit of a garish photography background so I try to make the most of it when we travel and spend a solid half day shooting non stop.

That's all from me today because I am going to go make a vegetable and lentil curry and attempt to make a little recipe video with it because people keep asking for recipes for stuff I cook and I really don't use recipes so maybe I can just show people what to do in a video. I suck at making videos like that but I'm gonna try!

P.S. If you've ever subscribed to my ~forbidden site~ in the past but your subscription ran out, for the next two days only you can rejoin for FREE!

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Nov 14, 2021

I'm a single man

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